Final Leaderboard Standings
Wow! Thank you so much everyone!!! What an amazing launch 🙂
- Joshua Zamora + HanFan - You did it! You rose and rose and ended up on top! (Won $2,500)
- Peter Beattie - Amazing showing! Thank you for such amazing support! Â 2nd is yours! (Won $1,000)
- Sam Bakker - The one and only! Solid finish! (Won $750)
- David Cisneros - Fantastic job on this promotion! (Won $500)
- Brett Rutecky + Mike Thomas - Rocking and rolling! (Won $250)
- Tracey Meagher - Bringing the heat! Welcome aboard 🙂 (Won $50)
- Ben Murray - Another newcomer to the leaderboard.  Loving your support!  Can't wait to return the favor 🙂  (Won $50)
- Andrew Darius - Thanks so much Andrew!  (Won $50)
- Max Rylski - Go Max!  Your list is such a great fit buddy.  So glad to see you here. (Won $50)
- Lee Pennington - Welcome to the leaderboard!  Really appreciate it! (Won $50)
Closing Contest
- Joshua Zamora + HanFan (Won $1,000)
- Bertrand Diouly & Martin Crumlish (Won $500)
Speed Contest
First to 200 Sales - Peter Beattie (Won $200)
First to 100 Sales - Peter Beattie (Won $100)